How to find recovery key for mac
How to find recovery key for mac

how to find recovery key for mac

This option is enabled by default when you create a FileVault 2 policy, and cannot be disabled.Yesterday we wrote of the perils of losing your Apple ID recovery key when two-factor is enabled and many of you wrote to us as you’d lost yours and didn’t know what to do. Select Higher than or Lower than, then select an existing policy from the drop-down list.įor example, to give Policy A higher priority than Policy B, you would select “Higher than” and “Policy B”.Įnter an explanation of the purpose of this policy.Įnables the storage of the recovery key to MobileIron Core. This priority determines which policy is applied if more than one policy is available. Specifies the priority of this policy relative to the other custom policies of the same type. Only one active policy can be applied to a device. Select the relevant radio button to indicate whether the policy is Active or Inactive.

  • In the New FileVault 2 Retrieve Personal Recovery Key dialog box, use the guidelines to complete this form.
  • Select Add New > iOS and macOS > macOS Only > FileVault 2 Retrieve Personal Recovery Key.
  • Do this by creating two policies with two different labels, one for devices running macOS 10.12, and another for devices running macOS 10.13. When upgrading a macOS device from 10.12 to 10.13, you need to apply this setting to devices again. This feature is supported on macOS 10.12 through the most recently released version of macOS as supported by MobileIron. When necessary, you can decrypt and display the key on your screen, allowing you to decrypt the associated macOS device. Core stores the personal recovery keys for each device in an encrypted form in its database. The FileVault 2 Retrieve Personal Recovery Key setting allows you to store and retrieve personal recovery keys used to encrypt disk volumes with FileVault 2.

    how to find recovery key for mac

    Storing and retrieving FileVault personal recovery keys in Core (macOS)

    How to find recovery key for mac